“An airport! Airports have undergone increasing demands – requiring immense efficiency in managing traffic flow while providing informative and appealing way-finding solutions. The level of complexity in such projects really excites us. Not only for the need to develop extensive strategy and positioning definitions, but also for the incredible opportunities they provide in paving innovative approaches. Designing for a human scale is a real challenge in such massive structures, and it demands solutions that can co-exist and perform with efficiency and aesthetic impact.”
Slash is a brand-consultancy studio, focused on improving organisations’ performance through design. It says that its design-driven approach to business “fosters an evaluative environment that consistently leads to solutions that help our clients evolve and grow. And that is what has been motivating us since we started: helping organisations thrive through our approach focused on the human scale, designing the products, services, spaces, and digital experiences that make up our clients’ overall offer and brand experience.”