
Milovan Farronato – All that’s Missing Is You — Genoa, Italy — 3 JUL - 25 SEP, 2015

ABC-ARTE Contemporary Gallery, Via XX Settembre 11A, Genoa, Italy

Can the subject’s disappearance create an image? Can the loss of an emotion or an object and the consequent confusion make the landscape free, more than a simple background? These are some of the questions faced by “All That’s Missing Is You”, the first solo exhibition by the artist Mauro Vignando (Pordenone, 1969) at the ABCARTE gallery, Genoa. This unpublished series of works on canvas block and freeze a gesture: black monochromes show clues of the artist’s touch. Vignando deliberately removed with his shoulder part of the pictorial layer, leaving traces of his actions and, in exchange, carrying away with himself a little bit of the painting.

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