
Siebring & Zoetmulder x Studio LileSadi — ‘Daily Gems’ Wall Cabinet — Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Dutch designers ‘Siebring & Zoetmulder’ have collaborated with ‘Studio LileSadi’ to create a cabinet that is not only a functional organiser, but a platform for a beautiful material collage – or how we like to see it, a physical and material still life.

Their cabinet features two boxes cleverly juxtaposed and interconnected, creating interesting and functional spaces. The boxes are with beautifully milled lines all around the cabinet. They create a subtle pattern and rhythm, serving as rails for several different materials. These materials were carefully selected and hand-crafted and each tells its own narrative: a circular screen-printed mirror, a perforated recycled metal square, a brass triangle with rain drops from Rotterdam and a hand-made cobalt blue porcelain circle. These geometric textured shapes are made to feel, experience and create a sensorial poetic cityscape on the cabinet.

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