
Studio Más — LUNARBOX — Seoul, South Korea

The LUNARBOX project began with the question “Could furniture for a pet be a design object itself which makes harmony within the home?” Most cats feel stability and comfort by entering certain places. LUNARBOX is designed to produce a rich dimensional formative beauty by keeping the balance between the straight line from the square and the curved line of circle. In addition, this indoor pet house is designed with a two-dimensional entrance — as a result of it, the visual limitation of the one-dimensional round entrance was lifted.

Today the interest in design is currently trending. It’s becoming more popular to show your taste and personality through the interior designing of your home. From a candle to a light, nothing is selected without consideration to the design of your home. However, it’s not easy to find pet furniture which meets your design expectations. There is lots of standardised pet furniture in the market without consideration to the design element, which can spoil your place. LUNARBOX could be an alternative to the current standardized cat-tree that hurt interior as pet furniture!

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