h3l Branding Agency — Horacio Lardiés — New York, USA
What do you enjoy most about designing event and festival identities? “The need for innovation that projects in this category require. Its essential omnichannel and multi-platform nature enables the creation of a highly sophisticated conceptual framework, providing room for metaphors and the context for a playful, dynamic, and flexible narrative that can be expressed in various ways without needing a rigid structure.”
h3l is an award-winning global branding agency founded in 2004 by Horacio Lardiés. The h3l experience claims to embody “a creative journey rooted in innovation, inspiration, and a sustained focus on the social impact of design”. The agency’s experience encapsulates multi- disciplinary potential across categories, such as architecture, real estate, logistics, sports, fashion, TV, art, music, film, video games, restaurants, blockchain, web3, healthcare, and beyond. With thousands of followers around the world, Lardiés’s work has been featured in globally renowned press outlets.