
Giada Ripa — The Yokohama Project — Paris, France — 14 OCT - 25 NOV 2017

Magda Danysz Galery, 78 rue Amelot

The Yokohama project is first and foremost a family story, that of Giada Ripa and her relative Mathilde Ruinart de Brimont. The starting point is a portfolio, composed of old photographs dating back from the 19th century, found by Giada Ripa in her Italian house. Views, historical notes and indigenous types of Japan, shot in 1860s, portray the city of Yokohama (Japan) and its surroundings. The "visual narrator" Felice Beato, who took the photos back then, gives an insight on a society that had just opened to the rest world. After this discovery, Ripa decided to fly to Japan and go back in time making the same photographs 150 years later, reviving the past.

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