
Hassan Sharif — EXPERIMENTS — Brussels, Belgium — 7 APR - 27 MAY 2017

La Patinoire Royale, Rue Veydt, 15

honours the life and artistic legacy of Emirati artist Hassan Sharif, who passed away on 18 SEP 2016 after a battle with cancer. This exhibition, held at the Patinoire Royale, pays tribute to his unconventional and multidisciplinary artistic practice, which he dedicated his last energies to. This exhibition renders an overview of the artist’s eclectic work off ering a refl ection on Sharif’s array of explorations, from his early cartoons and performances to his recent paintings, drawings, sculptures and installations. The works included in the show continue his career-long investigation on where art can be found, what art is for, what our expectations are of it and how those limits can be usurped.

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