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IdN v18n1: Flat (Free*) Graphics — Graphics with Dimension

What is now known as "tactile design" is coming increasingly into vogue as designers grow disenchanted with what they perceive as the soul-lessness of digital techniques and feel a need to be more involved with their material, more hands-on. We have gathered designers who came to the concept of tactile design after having started out in the digital field, to demonstrate how tactile illustrations jumps off pages, billboards and screens.


Motion Gallery: Onair Ident + Network Branding
Tactile Illustration Special: The whole world (of design) in your hands
Creative Country: Czech Republic
Branding: What is good branding?
Studio: TAF
Type Casting: Underware
Pick of the Month


114 pages
6 varying paper stocks
4C process + flourenscent pantone + vanish
106 minutes DVD Video included

Tactile Illustration Special

The whole world (of design) in your hands

Tactile design, apart from that made specifically to aid the blind, is essentially hand-crafted work that is then photographed and used for advertising campaigns, identity systems or illustration. The hands-on aspect is increasingly appealing to designers tired of relying on their computers.

As with craft design itself, tactile slows down the whole creative process and seems to make a more immediate emotional impact, with its inevitable small imperfections lending it a human touch. We interview, and show the work of 8 leading "touchy-feely" designers!


Chrissie Macdonald | Collider | Julien De Repentigny | Le Creative Sweatshop | Me Studio | Rebecca Maeve Manley | This is it Collective | Tony Benna

Motion Gallery: Onair Ident + Network Branding

How to channel your creative energies?

Bumpers, promos, idents, teasers... the world's TV stations are in a fierce battle for your subconscious mind now that multi-channel satellite and cable delivery systems — and zapping through them with the remote control — have become the norm. This presents designers with an enormous opportunity — and a stiff challenge.

If it grabs attention, anything goes. See what the experts have to say on the subject – and view some of the solutions they have come up with.

Creative Country: Czech Republic

A lively design scene — Czech it out!

After a century of political upheaval, how is this land-locked new nation in Central Europe facing up to the challenges of globalisation? If the work – and the words – of our 11 featured creatives is anything to judge by, the answer is "With a lot of talent and enthusiasm, thank you".

Featuring: | Anymade | Aakk Forever | Laboratory | m2s | Symbiont | | Jan Vranovsky/Visualscream | Jakub Straka | Cutulu | Milan Nedved

What is good branding?

Trans-Atlantic approaches to creating identity

Two experts in identity packaging – both born in the UK, but now working on opposite sides of the ocean – give you their considered opinion on the matter.


Mash Creative | Manual

Studio: TAF

Furniture that is fun as well as functional

Swedish design duo TAF believe that with enough ingenuity, the ordinary can be made extraordinary. But it has to be useful – and it has to have a sense of humour.



Type Casting: Underware

A German, a Dutchman and a Finn were so crazy about type that they got together to set up their own foundry. Now they not only turn out some fantastic fonts, but hold workshops for like-minded enthusiasts who may want to follow their example.



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