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IdN v18n3: Glitch Issue — Making the Perfect Accidents

In the ever-more-perfect world of computerised design, accidents can be inspirational. When the software seizes up, some free spirits become even more creative. What was once a goof is now a genre – let the featuring 12 glitch-design specialists explain how it has opened up new vistas for them.


Motion Gallery: Mix Media
Glitch: The Art of the Unexpected
Creative City: Brussels
Studio: Hello Me, Research and Development, Anagrama
Type Cast: Ariel Di Lisio
Pick of the Month


108 pages
6 varying paper stocks
4C process + spot UV + vanish
89 minutes DVD Video included

Glitch Issue: Perfect Accidents

The Art of the Unexpected

It started out as a software malfunction – now it is a design genre. Instead of holding their hands up in horror and crying: "Oh, oh, we have a glitch!", the artists featured in this article say: "Whoopee! We have a glitch!" – and proceed to make the most of it.

The corruption of a binary code can produce some surprisingly attractive effects, so why turn your back on them? Here, 12 creatives from a range of design fields explain how they incorporate these happy accidents into their work – and we show you the remarkable results. It may change your mind forever about the meaning of the word "mistake".


Benjamin Gaulon | Chris Seddon | Clement Valla | Justin Blyth | Kim Asendorf | Misha Shyukin | Olivier Ratsi | Quayola | Rob Sheridan | Rogier de Boevé | Sebastian Onufszak | Tokyo22

Motion Gallery: Mixed Media

Why Movie Makers are Mixing it up?

Film-making is a bit like cake-baking – time and ingredients are critical to the final outcome. Faced with short deadlines and miserly budgets, the trick is to bring various techniques to bear in a bid to make your movie stand out from the crowd. We take a look at the various mix'n'match approaches adopted by some leading exponents of the genre.

Creative City: Brussels

Beating an artistic trail to the heart of Europe

Apart from being the de facto capital of bureaucratic Europe, Brussels has a long artistic heritage, having been home to the likes of Bruegel, Van Dyck and René Magritte. Today, the Belgian capital boasts no fewer than 80 museums and art galleries – including a Comics Museum that pays homage to the many strip-cartoon characters it has given birth to, including Tintin. Not surprisingly, street artists are looked upon favourably and the walls of the city are something of an al fresco museum in themselves. We asked nine top creatives to tell us what it's like to live and work there.


David Delander aka Strangehalos | Design Fitness Club | Anne Fontenelle | Kidnap Your Designer | Laurent Lejeune | Pleaseletmedesign | Christophe Remy | Salutpublic | Raphael Vicenzi


All designers are sooner or later faced with the dilemma of whether to join an established company or strike out on their own, either as a one-man band or with a small studio of like-minded practitioners. There are pros and cons on both sides – so we asked a quartet of independent operators to tell us what they are.


Hello Me | Research and Development | Anagrama

Type Casting

Perfect projects – One at a Time

Argentinian graphic designer Ariel Di Lisio reminds us that "there is no design without typography" and explains that to maximise the quality of his work, and give each of his clients his very best shot, he doesn't believe in taking on more jobs than he can guarantee will turn out as good as he can make them.


Ariel Di Lisio

Regulars: POTM

Pick of the Month

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