IdN v18n5: Logographic Issue — Stamps of Authority
A good logo never stands alone — it always acts as the front-runner for a whole identity package. At least, that's what the experts tell us. And the simpler it is, the more effective it will probably be. It should also be flexible enough to be capable of adaptation to almost any media. These are just a few of the lessons you will learn if you read what our 17 leading logo designers have to say on the subject. And their messages are backed up with bags of visuals demonstrating their own best efforts in this field.
Motion Gallery: 8-Bit
Logographic Issue: Stamps of Authority
Creative City: Paris
Idea: Web Design
Pick of the Month
108 pages
6 varying paper stocks
4C process + spot UV + vanish
98 minutes DVD Video included
Logographic Issue
Making a lasting impression
One thing comes through very clearly in this special feature on logo design — that you cannot create one in a vacuum. A good logo can often be crucial to a firm's marketing campaign, establishing itself as an instantly recognisable symbol conveying such values as trustworthiness, reliability, craftsmanship, value for money, glamour and all-round desirability. But it has to be adaptable to a multiplicity of media needs — from billboards to posters to print advertising to TV to packaging to stationery and so on.
The very best logos are badges of pride — prominently displayed on clothing, for instance, or status-symbol consumer products. As such, they should be fashionable, elegant, readily identifiable. And the key is simplicity. A complicated combination of letters and shapes that is difficult to take in at a single glance will never do its job properly.
Allan Peters | Andre Gottschalk | Bruce Mau Design | Côme de Bouchony | Felt Branding | Houdini | Hyperkit | Jan Avendano | Kissmiklos | Mihail Mihaylov | Mike McQuade | Project Projects | Rejane Dal Bello | Thonik | Toormix | Vanessa Lam | Young
Motion Gallery: 8-Bit
Let the games begin — again
The software technology known as 8 Bit was responsible for the rapid spread and unprecedented popularity of video games in the '70s and '80s. Primitive though they were, those games grabbed the imagination of an entire generation. And now that many of them have grown up to become motion designers, they are summoning up their childhood memories to incorporate aspects of them into their latest digital creations, be they music videos, smartphone games or short movies, thus giving a 30-year-old sub-culture a whole new lease of life.
Creative City: Paris
In the footsteps of giants
When it comes to art of any kind, no city in the world is as identified with it as Paris. The French capital was once synonymous with struggling young men in garrets on the Left Bank of the Seine, or in Montmartre, painting or sculpting away before sallying forth in their berets to buy a baguette or drink absinthe at boulevard cafés — and most of them became world-famous. So what does the place hold for today's art-minded generation? We asked nine leading lights on the local design scene to tell us (and show us some of their best work).
We all spend so many hours these days gazing at websites that we should all be experts on the subject. But even if we happen to be designers, our familiarity with the world-wide web doesn't necessarily mean that we know how to produce a scintillating site. Getting people to stop and pay particular attention to one of the many millions of them that are out there is a very specialised skill. Let the featuring 5 internationally known web-weavers tell you how they did it!
Hellohikimori | You Were In My Dream | Media Arc | Kinetic | admedia