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IdN v19n6: Character Design Issue — Character Building

A good story, in any medium, is only as interesting as the characters in it. How do you invent a fictional being with which the whole world can identify? If we knew the answer we'd be millionaires, but there are plenty of people out there trying hard to come up with the next Mickey Mouse or Homer Simpson. We talk to some of them about the difficulties and satisfactions of this challenge and ask them what advice they would give to someone starting out on the character-building path.


Motion Gallery: Pattern/Symmetry
Character Design Issue: Character Building
Creative Country: Norway
Idea: Movie Poster
Interactive Design II: Keeping tabs on some of the best in the business
Pick of the Month


104 pages
6 varying paper stocks
4C process + spot UV + vanish
96 minutes DVD Video included

Character Design Issue

Designers with a lot of Character

We all grew up with various fictional characters that helped us adjust to the real world around us and with which we formed often quite strong bonds.

The soft toys whose comforting presence in our bed at night helped us to get to sleep were probably among the earliest, followed by those in the story-books from which our parents used to read to us. Kids have strong imaginations and it was not difficult to regard these characters as actual living beings, imbued with the different personalities that we chose to give them.


Craig&Karl | Din-Dong | Geneviève Gauckler | James Jarvis | Kevin Lyons | NC Empire | Sticky Monster Lab | Superdeux | Yum Yum

Motion Gallery: Patterns/Symmetry

What immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry?

The possibilities for symmetry and pattern-making in design are literally endless. Transforming mathematical measurements into aesthetically pleasing works of art is a task that increasing numbers of animators are setting themselves. We look at this latest trend in motion graphics through the eyes some of those who have become particularly adept at it.

Creative Country: Norway

Transforming a tradition of excellence

Norway has it all – scenic beauty, a wealth of natural resources and a rich cultural heritage. But the design scene in this Scandinavian kingdom is undergoing some profound changes, thanks largely to newfound affluence and a clear-sighted vision of the benefits that a thriving commercial-art sector can bring. We asked a clutch of young creatives to tell us what it's like to live and work in this enlightened ambience – and where it might all be leading.


Esra Røise | Bureau Bruneau | The Metric System | MVM | Randi Antonsen | Bleed Design Studio

Idea: Movie Posters

The Power of Movie Posters

Vintage movie posters are hard to come by – and worth a small fortune. A study of the genre since the earliest days of cinema tells us a lot about the changes that society has undergone, though today's anything-goes approach to the art owes more to technical liberation than altered tastes. A pair of recognised experts in the field give us the benefit of their vast experience.


Tomasz Opasomski | Marcell Bandicksson

Interactive Design: Part II

Keeping tabs on some of the best in the business

After our last issue's exploration of the growing importance of eliciting a digital response from potential end-users, we continue with this theme – asking three extremely polished practitioners for their thoughts on the matter. It seems that there's no getting away from sheer application when it comes to inventing apps.


Kerem Suer | Tangible Interaction | Tree Axis

Regulars: POTM

Pick of the Month

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