IdN v20n1: Environmental Graphics Issue — Embellishing your surroundings
What design discipline combines aspects of architecture, urban planning, landscaping, interior decoration, scenography, lighting, historical preservation, industrial design, way-finding, information graphics and graffiti? Answer: environmental design.
Motion Gallery: 3D Graphics in Motion
Feature: Environmental Graphics
Creative Country: Hungary
Projects: Oono's 360° World / What does Five Mean to You? / Playing it by the Numbers
Studio: CK Chiwai Cheng / Leslie David / Transform Design
Pick of the Month: Illustration / Typography / ETC
108 pages
6 varying paper stocks
4C process + spot UV + vanish
Online access to included
Environmental Graphics Issue
Embellishing your surroundings
Sharing the street artist’s desire to “re-claim” public spaces for the people that inhabit them, environmental designers – whose work is usually commissioned rather than self-initiated – place a lot of importance on the character and traditional nature of these spaces, and trying to achieve harmony with them, rather than simply expressing themselves.
We have brought together 10 leading exponents of this fascinating design departure to tell you how they go about it – and show off some of their most successful achievements.
There is no doubt that special effects have revolutionised motion graphics, both in the cinema and in the world of advertising. Now comes the most special effect of all – the third dimension. To celebrate the launch of IdN TV, we have secured exclusive interviews with a quartet of world-renowned motion designers who have made a speciality of working in 3D. Read what they have to say about the challenges this presents – and how they rise to them. But above all, enjoy the explosive creations of these maestros of super-realism and ultra-believable fantasy!
Alex Mikhaylov | Jonathan Catalan Navarrete | Onur Senturk | Plenty TV
Creative Country: Hungary
Designers playing catch-up – "Hungary" for success
A landlocked country, Hungary has also been locked into a series of inhibiting circumstances – from wars to communist dictatorship – for most of the 20th century that have conspired to hold back the natural artistic talent of its people. But despite suffering the spin-off from Europe’s economic woes, the creative scene there – inspired by the internationalism of unfettered Internet access – is striving hard to make up for lost time.
Aron Jancso | Eniko Deri | Eszter Nyari | Istvan Szugyiczky | Peter Vajda
Oono's 360° World / What does Five Mean to You? / Playing it by the Numbers
Yusuke Ono | The Designers Republic | Anthony Gerace
We have turned the spotlight in this issue on two Taiwan-based outfits and one from Paris, all of whom display a unique approach to visual communication that we think you might find inspirational. Their work is certainly worth checking out.
CK Chiwai Cheng | Leslie David | Transform Design
Pick of the Month: Illustrations
Celi Lee | Acidbird | Bratislav Milenkovic | Am I Collective | Seonna Hong