PLAY, the experimental film, is started from a Nietzsche’s quotation.
“Our thinking is really nothing but a very refined interwoven play of seeing, hearing, feeling.” -Friedrich Nietzsche, [Thus Spoke Zarathustra]
This film represents that the perception of this world is relative, then the things we are seeing, hearing, and feeling is changing in infinite variety. Rotating stages is inspired by a toy called Rubik’s cube to show fluidity and dynamics of the view of the world. Moreover, we focused on PLAY’s another word meaning as theater, so we built a construction with various stages in an unbroken line. And we think all of these elements are PLAY, so we just play.
Directed & Designed by
_Minhyung Lee
_Jeong-a Shin
Special Advisor
_Jaehyuk Lee
Supported by
Rendered at
_Garage Farm (
Background music
_deadmau5 “Errors In My Bread” (
Posters in office scene
_무력할 땐 아리스토텔레스 Hyung-jin Kim (
_도시 공원: 숨-쉬다 Dokho Shin (
_타이틀매치 - 샛꽃돌봄 Sam-yeol Ahn (
_예측 불가능한 상황 Joonghyun Cho (
_Cinema 4D, Vray for C4D, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Final Cut Pro